Saturday, August 22, 2015

Recreating a Monster: The Grah'Thor

This bizarre creature was loosely based on a mutual friend. As Beast Battles evolved into The Book of Zool creatures, I began using color late in series 2. Finding success with that, I considered going back and simply coloring in previous creations. I ran into a problem with this guy though, in that I'd long since lost his original file. Thus began the process of going back and updating and redoing older monsters in higher resolution and color. The biggest change with this one was reworking the head plating to not resemble a face as much.

Recreating a Monster: The Rahg Rawhk

At this point in the Beast Battles project, I still hadn't found my style yet and was fussing around with different approaches. With this guy I simply drew the first thing that popped into my head with marker. The description called for tusks protruding from each cheek. Naturally, I decided that meant butt cheeks. The rest of it was more or less an Ankylosaurus with many eyes. For the update he remained mostly the same, but with heavier armor on his legs.

Recreating a Monster: The Skrifchule

This was my first description for the Beast Battles project. At the time I believe I was really into Disney's Lilo & Stitch franchise and basically just described Stitch and called it a Chaos Demon. With some "creative editing" from my partner, the description was flushed out a bit and given a more fantastical name. For the remake, I tried giving him a neck, floppier ears, and more defined arms to make him more of an original looking creature.

Process of Creating a Monster: Jo'Reler

The idea behind this monster was to get us out of the "Many eyes, razor teeth, giant predator" comfort zone I felt the project had gotten into. My initial drawings had her being more of a Poison Ivy type humanoid, so I pushed myself into more plant like features.